Single on Sunday: Reflections on a Weekly Ritual [VIDEO]

Why Sundays are the perfect time to embrace your independence & redefine your standards

OkCupid Dating Blog


When you’re in between relationships, you have a golden opportunity. And we’re not just talking about the freedom to starfish across your bed.

Only when you’re single do you get to redefine “relationship” time as “me” time. And while there are certainly chances for reflecting when you’re coupled up, self reflection is often at its most honest (and therefore, most helpful) when you’re — well — by yourself. On a Sunday.

Maybe you’re in bed. Or drinking coffee. Or lacing up for a run (or not). No matter where you are, being single on Sunday allows for a bit of a ritual to jumpstart your week — you get a chance to reflect, recharge and plan ahead, all at your own pace.

That’s why we celebrate being #SingleOnSunday, and why you should too. While we hope to eventually help you meet authentic, interesting people, and perhaps even find that one really interesting person you’re willing to constrict your starfish for, coupledom usually turns out a lot better when both people have spent some real time exploring, and enjoying, being single. So while you are single on Sunday — or any day — embrace it!

How do you spend your single Sundays? Share your stories in the comments section below.

We know you’re more substance than just selfie. Give a try to connect with people as individual as you are.

